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Local Farmers Activities around Cemoro Lawang

By Ariella N. Lai in Activities

Apr 23, 2021

Cemoro Lawang is a village near the indigenous tribes who inhabit the Bromo area, namely the Tengger tribe.

The cool and slightly foggy air is felt in this village; the most interesting thing is the stunning view of the sunrise from this village. The beauty around Cemoro Lawang, which is located at the foot of Mount Bromo, seems endless. Tens of vegetable land in some villages in Sukapura District, Probolinggo Regency, East Java are a source of income for residents.

Local farmer activities. You can visit and see the process of farmers growing potatoes. Our potato crop is known to be cultivated in the highlands. The required temperature is 14 to 22 degrees or cold conditions, with loose soil conditions and nutrients.

Preparations that are carried out are none other than loosening the soil, or the land is done by hoeing, the depth of the soil is made approximately 30 cm. make sure the distance between the beds is approximately 40 cm, this is useful to access the flow of rainwater which aims to prevent the beds from getting inundated. Farmers choose potato seeds directly from quality potato tubers. The age of the potato crop until it is ready to harvest depends on the type of variety, land height and season. However, in general, one cycle of potato cultivation until the tubers are ready to be harvested between 80-120 days or about 4 months.