Getting Borobudur and Prambanan
If you’re going to be backpacking Indonesia, be sure to add a visit to Borobudur & Prambanan to your itinerary.
To help you make the most out of your visit, here a guide to visiting Borobudur & Prambanan.
Find a cheap flight by Traveloka or They are the favourite search engines for many people. First of all, you have to put departure city to Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA). They are much daily flight from Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang.
When you arrived at Yogyakarta International Airport, continue your trip by taxi, grab or DAMRI. DAMRI offers a route taking passengers from Yogyakarta International Airport in Kulon Progo to Borobudur. You should pay the ticket IDR 46k. From Yogyakarta, it takes about 40km to Borobudur and 15km to Prambanan.
If you have a lot of free time and are not in a hurry, try taking the train to Yogyakarta. Several class options are ranging from economy, business or executive classes. The price is affordable, you only spend IDR 400k, and you can enjoy the executive level from Gambir Station, Jakarta – Tugu Station, Yogyakarta. Choose an early morning departure so you can enjoy the whole trip accompanied by the beautiful rice fields. You can also spend some time reading or listening to selected songs from your cellphone.
When you arrived at Tugu Station Yogyakarta, explore the city with rent a car or motorbike because the trip to Borobudur is still quite far from Yogyakarta. You will spend approximately 1 hr, 23 min. If you decide to go to Prambanan first, you only need 42 min to get to Prambanan by car or motorbike.