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Getting to Tanjung Lesung

By K. Wardhana in Tips and Trick

Jan 19, 2021

Tanjung Lesung is a resort in Pandeglang in Banten, the western edge of Java Island.

The resort overlooks Mount Anak Krakatau, the famous 1883 eruption of Mount Krakatau and Ujung Kulon National Park. The destination, however, is only accessible by car due to not having airports in the area nearby.

These are some tips and tricks for you to know in your journey to Tanjung Lesung:

Private Car

As Tanjung Lesung is only accessible by car, it would be best to hire a private car to get there. It cost about Rp 500.000 a day to rent a private car, and more so towards the number of days you will be staying, but it would be worth the journey and stay at Tanjung Lesung from Jakarta, especially if you are staying for more than three days to explore the area.


Another option would be using a bus to get to Tanjung Lesung. It costs about Rp 40.000 for one way, and it could bring all your things with you. The downside of this would be the limited accessibility in the journey around Tanjung Lesung, which is more accessible with the privacy of your own car. The journey from Jakarta to Tanjung Lesung takes 3-5 hours by private car or bus.

Things You Need to Bring in Your Journey

Tanjung Lesung is a beach resort, so be prepared to bring water sport activities in your arsenal to enjoy the waters. You should bring enough food, water and snacks for the journey to Tanjung Lesung, with enough cash to spare for gas, if applicable. You should also bring short-sleeved clothing, swimsuits, and shorts due to the hot weather in the area and personal amenities. You should also bring some first aid kit due to the trekking you might be doing in the resort.