Batik from Bantul
In Wukirsari village in the area of Bantul in the Special Province of Yogyakarta, there is a centre for people who craft batik, a traditional method of pattern printing on a cloth from Indonesia, at the Batik Village of Giriloyo.
The village has been visited by President Jokowi, who is keen on the art of batik. The village is famous for having 90 per cent of its population produce batik patterns that have been hereditary since the 17th Century when the Mataram Kingdom reigned in Java.
People from the village claim that the artistic skill of making batik was taught straight from the Keraton, the royal family of Yogyakarta. Today, the village develops the time to learn many classic batik motifs across Indonesia to modernize itself to the current fashion market.
You can visit the Batik Village of Giriloyo during your travels to Yogyakarta or Borobudur. You can learn how to make batik patterns and paint the patterns on the fabric, with canting and how the fabric got its colour.
The village offers many tour packages as educational tours for this certain appeal, and some of them are in packages for staying near the Borobudur Temple compound. If you don’t want to learn how to make batik patterns but wanted to learn more and grab some souvenirs on the way, the Batik Village of Giriloyo also sells their residents’ creations to the public.