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Art and Culture of Tanjung Lesung

By Sally Davidsz in Activities

Jan 19, 2021

Tanjung Lesung is a resort located on the western edge of the Banten Province on Java Island, overlooking Mount Anak Krakatau.

Unbeknownst to people, Tanjung Lesung is also a place where you can immerse yourself in the arts and culture in the area if you are looking at the right places. They have the initiative to be promoting Banten culture by making events to welcome tourists to immerse themselves in food and new traditions. One of the cultural acts you can witness in Tanjung Lesung would be Debus, which incites sharp objects throughout body parts without getting hurt or bloody in a mystical fire show. Though you shouldn’t do this at home, it is part of the culture in the area.

You can also visit Baduy village from the resort. The Baduy people are indigenous people who live in the area, isolated from the modern world, as they are still following traditional customs and rules from their ancestors. They are divided into two clans—those still really isolated and more open to communicating with the outside world. They still wear traditional clothes that consist of their characteristic black and white clothing, headscarves, and bare feet. Through this experience, you can feel a more traditional setting in Indonesia.

Another immersing activity would be checking out Batik Cikadu, a batik motif with rhinoceroses patterns, which becomes a staple as you visit Tanjung Lesung. These motifs are made in the Cikadu Village, where the tailor are learning and immersing themselves to make this custom motif in the area of Pandeglang in Banten. You can also try some savoury portion of salted fish (Ikan Asin) in the villages, which is one of the food staples in Banten.

Tanjung Lesung is also a place to learn about new cultures and the Mongolian Culture Center in the resort. It is designed directly by Mongolian architects to make a typical Mongol tent synonymous with nomadic life. This way, in Tanjung Lesung, we can learn about other people’s culture and our own as we immerse ourselves in the experience of being in Banten.